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Initiate stage 1.1
Business Case Development

This involves assessing the need for a digital
adoption solution, identifying its potential benets,
costs, and risks, and determining whether it aligns
with the organization’s strategic objectives. The
business case serves as a foundation for
decision-making and resource allocation.

Business case

Initiate stage 1.2
Project Plan

In this stage, detailed plans are developed outlining
the scope, schedule, resources, and budget for the
project. This includes identifying stakeholders,
dening objectives, creating a work breakdown
structure, and establishing a communication plan to
ensure successful project execution.

Business case

Initiate stage 1.3
Solution Architecture

Solution architects design the technical framework
and infrastructure needed to support the IT service or
system. This includes determining solution
requirements including content strategy and ensuring
scalability and manageability.

Technical Spec
Final Budget
Business case


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